The Hidden Benefits of Cannabis Legalization

November 23, 2018

Cannabis is now legal in Canada. What does that mean?

Behind all the hoopla of cannabis being legal now in Canada, there is a subset of consumers who have had a huge burden lifted off them, a hidden misery lifted.

Life just became a bit easier because vindictive, spiteful people in their lives can no longer wield cannabis prohibition as a weapon. Who are these people?
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The Benefits vs. Harms of Cannabis Education

April 17, 2018

There is much said about educating people on the harms of cannabis.

According to some scientific studies that are prolific in the media, cannabis can lead to psychosis – especially in youth. It can also be harmful to the developing brain and should not be used by those under the age of 25.

There are other scientific studies that show these results are inconclusive and other studies that show the opposite, though they receive very little media coverage.
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New Laws Will Set Us Free – Or Will They?

March 26, 2018

Legalization of cannabis is coming and we will all be home free! Or will we?

Although generally, it will be a relief for many people to be able to possess cannabis legally, I and many others have serious concerns about the regulations, especially around impaired driving laws. While many business types are running around with dollar signs in their eyes, the person on the street should be alarmed to know that he/she could just as likely become a criminal under “legalization” as they were during prohibition.
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Cannabis Harm Reduction

January 15, 2018

Sitting or standing around in a group passing a joint is a national past time in this great land of ours. I’m not sure how the custom originated, as you don’t often see people sharing cigarettes or beers the same way, but nonetheless, it happens with cannabis. It is not just joints either, people share bongs, pipes, vaporizers and any device that you can smoke cannabis from.

It is a custom we may want to rethink. While smoking cannabis has negligible effects on your health, placing your mouth on the same pipe, joint, or bong as everyone else, especially during cold and flu season, may have unwanted effects along with the intended effects of getting high. It won’t be cannabis that makes you sick, it will be the sharing of contagious germs.
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PR: Work has begun on a large-scale seed to sale cannabis operation in Alberta

For Immediate Canada Wide Release
December 19, 2017
Work has begun on a large-scale seed to sale cannabis operation in Alberta
Freedom Cannabis announces plans to become one of the largest Licensed Producers in Canada

A new cannabis facility in Alberta has the potential to become one of Canada’s largest licensed producers.

Co-founder and CEO of Freedom Cannabis, Gianfranco Potestio announced today that work is underway on Freedom’s massive cannabis grow and production facility in Acheson, Alberta. Situated on 56 acres in Parkland County the 125,000 square foot operation is slated to grow to 375,000 square feet by 2020 with expansion potential of over 2 million square feet with market demand.
The enterprise was co-founded in 2016 by Mr. Potestio along with Troy Dezwart and Julie Girard-Potestio. As the key management team they have assembled some of Canada’s top industry experts skilled in cannabis licensing, cultivation, law, finance, and pharmacology to execute their sustainable and scalable business plan.

The growth potential for the cannabis industry is phenomenal. After legalization in July of 2018 the economic impact for recreational and medical cannabis in Canada is predicted to exceed 22 billion dollars* (Deloitte, 2017). “Based on current production, the demand for cannabis over the next few years will far exceed the available supply. The timing is perfect for Freedom to enter the market and capitalize on the exploding demand for premium quality cannabis products.” said Potestio.

Currently there are over 70 licensed producers in Canada. Getting their new facility operational is a vital step toward obtaining a license to produce cannabis.

Freedom is well positioned to do just that according to President and co-founder Julie Potestio. “Our licensing application through Health Canada has been proceeding under the guidance of experienced experts who have been successful in obtaining licenses for a number of other producers. Now that the facility is under construction we anticipate being licensed by next fall and producing cannabis shortly after that.”

Freedom Cannabis believes their unique growing method gives them a competitive and sustainable advantage. The growing method they use is called the Isolated Growth Strategy. By this method seedlings and plants are grown in smaller rooms varying in size from 1000 to 2,500 square feet. The isolated grow rooms allow for optimized environmental control of temperature, humidity, light, water, and nutrient supply to foster higher yields and superior quality. The segregated grow rooms also mitigate the potential spread of disease to a whole crop, unlike the “sea of green” method commonly used by other growers where one diseased plant can wipe out an entire crop potentially losing millions of dollars.

Freedom Cannabis promises to be a different kind of cannabis company committed to a purpose driven business model. Future plans include compassion and care programs for those in need who are unable to access medicinal cannabis. Freedom Cannabis is also creating a corporate culture of inclusion to inspire their people and offer opportunity for growth and advancement from within.

Co-founder and COO Troy Dezwart believes their culture will make the difference. “We exist to give people the freedom to live their best lives. A life where they are free to heal, soar and relax. He is convinced when he says, “Our dynamic team, superior grow methods, brand marketing and values-driven culture will ensure success for Freedom. We see an opportunity to be on the ground floor of a burgeoning and lucrative industry that can benefit so many people.”
For more information go to
Media contact:
Bronte Valk
Direct: 780-652-2347
Phone: 780-652-1311

Consequence Strains


500,000 Canadians have admitted to driving after using marijuana in the past 12 months. Nearly 40% of those were aged 15-24.


The year 2015 saw a decrease in the number of serious injuries, yet showed a slight increase in fatalities and total injuries.
• In 2015, the number of motor vehicle fatalities was 1,858; up 0.3% from 2014 (1,852).
• The downward trend for serious injuries continued, dropping to 10,280 in 2015; down 1.1% from 2014 (10,397).
• The number of fatalities per 100,000 population was 5.2 in 2015; unchanged from the rate seen in 2014.
• The number of fatalities per billion vehicle kilometres travelled was 5.1 in 2015, the lowest on record.

In 2014, the number of motor vehicle fatalities was 1,834; down 6.0% from 2013 (1,951).
• The downward trend for serious injuries continued, dropping to 9,647 in 2014; down 9.5% from 2013 (10,663).
• The number of fatalities per 100,000 population was 5.2 in 2014, down from 5.5 in 2013.
• The number of fatalities per billion vehicle kilometres travelled was 5.1 in 2014; the lowest on record.

A consistent downward trend since 2006

Reducing the Supply Shortage of Cannabis, Post-Legalization

October 16, 2017

There are many predictions of a chronic cannabis shortage when it is legalized. No matter how smooth the provincial governments pave the way, it all ends with out-of-stock producers holding up the line.

There are measures that could help alleviate the shortage, namely legal personal growers who are licensed under the ACMPR. You are supposed to only grow enough for your own needs, based on a per gram a day limit. Each gram translates into 5 plants. Continue reading

Canada Looks to B.C., Alberta After Ontario Drops the Ball on Legalization

September 15, 2017

The Ontario government has unveiled it’s plan to regulate cannabis in the province in July 2018. Lawmakers believe they can eliminate the black market by opening 40 government run stores and a mail order delivery in the first year, followed by 40 more stores in 2019 and 150 by 2020. They will shut down all illegal dispensaries before the official stores are open. The local neighbourhood dealer better be well prepared for all the business that will come their way.
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Greening Out – And How to Avoid It

March 28, 2017

You are consuming some cannabis with your friends and feeling wonderful, but one more hit, and not so much. After a few moments, you begin to feel woozy, light-headed, dizzy, anxiety is welling up; you may feel nauseous, and even vomit. You are desperately seeking somewhere to lie or sit down if you haven’t got there already.

Cannabis consumers may be familiar with the term “greening out”, which means when one has over indulged ingesting cannabis, and are now experiencing unpleasant effects such as dizziness, fainting, anxiety or vomiting.
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