Doctors – Treat opioid overuse with cannabis

September 8, 2016

“Opioids overuse is the worst man-made epidemic in modern medical history; two people an hour are dying of opioids misuse in the United States, and, proportionally, the problem is likely as bad, if not worse, in Canada.”
Dr. Gary Franklin, leading expert on workers’ compensation and medical director of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries

That has to be a wake up call for doctors, patients and society as a whole. There is a safer solution staring us in our collective face, yet the medical profession en masse, seems so reluctant to even entertain the idea of using cannabis as a substitute or adjunct to opioid therapy. There are thousands of results from studies, data collection, and anecdotal evidence displayed when searching for cannabis reduces opioid use that one wonders why it would not be considered and prescribed and monitored to see if it helps alleviate this epidemic. Zero deaths in thousands and thousands of years of use – what do we have to lose?

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A Growing Problem

September 2, 2016

On August 24, 2016, anyone who was a patient under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR), was automatically eligible under the new Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) to grow their own cannabis plants at a rate of 5 plants (2 outdoors) per gram daily prescription. Well, not everyone*.

Overnight, approximately 70,000 Canadians were legally allowed to grow their own medicine (not including the 28,000 who were already eligible under a court injunction from the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMAR) program), and for many, that creates a dilemma. Yes they would love to grow their own plants and have that type of control and cost savings, but it isn’t that simple. Many are living somewhere that makes it impossible. Others don’t have the first clue how to go about setting up a safe, secure grow room. Some simply don’t have the money to invest in the equipment needed to start. Eventually the business community will step up and provide answers and services that will help solve the problems.
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CanEvolve Submission to Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation

To the Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation:

CanEvolve is an organization dedicated to “Facilitating the Evolution of Cannabis in Canada”. We have decades of prior background experience in various disciplines, including educating the public, media and politicians on the subject of cannabis. We are honoured to have this opportunity to provide feedback about the upcoming regulation of cannabis in hopes the voices of all Canadians are taken into account.

Please accept and review our submission and please feel free to contact us if you require any additional information.

Viewable on-line:

Culture Vs Corporate

June 12, 2016

People have used cannabis in one form or another on this land before it was a country, and whether it was legal or not. A culture of cannabis devotees grew in large numbers in the 60’s, and still live amongst us, disguised as your collegue, boss, teammate, sister, dad, it could be any or all. It became visible to the mainstream in the mid-90’s with the advent of the internet, a new dedicated magazine, hemp stores, compassion clubs, but many outsiders never noticed, despite lots of media coverage of milestones and events, where stakeholders and supporters make the news.

These are the people who have been growing, breeding, and innovating all along, and improved and generally shaped how cannabis is today. Specialty information coming from science combined with anecdotal evidence from the culture, is producing the most optimized products needed from cannabis and the culture is always on the leading edge until the mainstream catches up years later by court order.
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Calgary Patients Finding Relief

May 23, 2016

No one has stepped up to help Calgary patients who want or need cannabis for their health since the Universal Compassion Centre from 1998-2000, followed by the Calgary Medicinal Marijuana Center. These underground compassion clubs offered cannabis directly to the patient.

The government’s legal program to acquire cannabis through Licensed Producers requires your doctor to sign a form that becomes the prescription. Most doctors refuse, so the barriers to the program became insurmountable to the point the law was struck down in Federal Court and must be fixed by August so patients can again grow their own.
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What Legalization Should Look Like

May 2, 2016

The Liberal government announced plans to legalize cannabis in Canada in the Spring 2017.

This news comes with some trepidation for long time stakeholders, as there is no allowance for representation on the Advisory Panel. Instead the Panel is made of former prohibitionists and others who view cannabis usage as “drug abuse”.

Cannabis has been illegal throughout our lifetimes, so it is woven into the societal fabric in a “wild west” sort of way and much of that can not be undone – especially within the near future. The black market is very well established, consumers are used to certain prices and quality and many will continue to use the black market if the regulated market falls short in any expectations.
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Why People Use Cannabis


The Herb Society of America defines a herb as “any plant that may be used for pleasure, fragrance or physic.”
Education removes many of the myths surrrounding cannabis (also known as marijuana) and promotion of it’s healing properties are becoming widespread and mainstream at an unprecedented rate.

The truth is:
1) Cannabis has been used as medicine for 4,700 years in many cultures (first recorded use: China 2737 B.C.)
2) There has never been a single death attributed to cannabis.

It is one of the oldest and safest medicines ever used. Plain and simple. The reason it is illegal is politically motivated and has nothing to do with its safety.(1) People realize the laws are unrealistic which is why 92 % of Canadians(2) support legal intergration of this herb into society.
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Hempty Marketing Plan

hemptylabel Hempty

Executive Summary

Mission Statement

“For the health conscious consumer in a GE world”

Key Business Activities

We sell natural food products suited to health conscious consumers who prefer natural and organic products that have not been genetically engineered.

Product and Services

Our featured product is Hempty(TM) – a wildcrafted, handpicked herbal hemp green tea. This tisane has the unique distinction of being a world exclusive and we definitely want to take advantage of that until imitations flood the market. There is a simple, yet effective measure in place to ensure that Hempty(TM) will establish and maintain a large share of the hemp tea market through the quality of the product.

The long-term plan is to build a “mall” featuring organic non-genetically engineered foods such as Hap-Bee Honey, the perfect compliment to Hempty(TM) and other organic herbs and teas from Wynn’s Organic Herb Farm such as Echinecea, St. Johnswort, Goldenseal, Ginseng, Ginko, Red Clover, Comfrey, Oregon Grape, with more products under consideration.
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Response to Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR)

Bruce Erickson,
Office of Controlled Substances,
Department of Health,
Address Locator 3503D,
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 1B9;

May 6, 2001

Mr. Erickson,

The public has been invited to respond to the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on April 7, 2001.

The government feels the MMAR is an appropriate and efficient response to address concerns raised in the Parker decision about the process currently used under section 56 of the CDSA by attempting to meet the following criteria :

1) meet the mandatory requirements of all international drug control Conventions, to the extent possible, in consideration of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

2) be developed and implemented by July 31, 2001;

3) be clear and easy to implement, administer and enforce;

4) not unduly restrict the availability of marihuana to patients who may receive health benefits from its use; and

5) minimize any increase in regulatory burden on patients, medical practitioners, medical licensing authorities, and enforcement agencies.
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Emily Murphy: Emily’s Paradox


Revised Nov.2004


Fifty Dollar Bill
Back of the new $50 Canadian banknote

Emily’s Paradox was written and published on-line due to the frustration with mostly finding one-sided accounts available on the internet about her – the sanctioned, sanitized hero version.

With the minting of the Famous Five on the new Canadian $50 bill that just went into circulation November, 2004, discussion was swirling around the media once again about her legacy without much fanfare, though public acknowledgement of her less virtuous traits seems more widely known, and reinforce of some of the concerns expressed here.

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